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Rise Online World Mage Skill Rehberi

Rise Online

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Mage Trainer Skillleri
Trainer alanında bulunan skiller ve özellikleri​

Skill ResmiSkill AdıSkill AçıklamaMana BedeliSkill PointSkill Level
Staff StrikeDeal 60% damage with the staff11
SprintIncreases self running speed by 50% for 10 seconds22
Fire ShockPerform a fire attack to the enemy22
Freezing ShockPerform a glacial attack that slows down the enemy for a short33
Lightning ShockPerform a lightning attack to the enemy44
TeleportSummon a friendly player from any distance to your location55
VenomVenom the enemies in selected area.DoT every sec for 10 seconds77
EscapeTeleport to the gate you've chosen as Rebirth/Resurrection point1010
RecallSummon all party members from any distance to the gate you've chosen as Rebirth/Resurrection point3030

Mage Fire Skillleri
Fire alanında bulunan skiller ve özellikleri​

Skill ResmiSkill AdıSkill AçıklamaMana BedeliSkill PointSkill Level
Burn AwayPerform a quick fire spell to burn the enemy22
BurnoutBurn the target.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds88
Fire BallCast a fire ball spell at enemy from a long distance1616
FlameburstIgnite enemy for a period of time.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds2020
Fire EnduranceIncrease fire resistance by 452222
Fire BoltCast a fire bolt to the enemy from a long distance2828
Fire BlowCast a fire spell to burn the enemies on selected area3232
Fire WaveLaunch a fire wave at your enemy from a long distance3636
Burn DownBurn down your enemy with the flames.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds3838
Fire BreathHit with the staff to burn the enemy from a short distance4040
PyromancerCast a quick fire spell at enemy from a short distance4242
HellfireLaunches hell fires on selected area to burn all enemies4444
Fire ImmunityIncrease fire resistance by 754646
Fire StormBurn your enemy with a great fire storm5050
Fire ReleaseReleases a fire spell at enemy from a long distance5252
HatredCast a quick fire spell at enemy with all the hate from a short distance5454
Fire SurgeIgnite enemy for a short period of time.DoT every 2 sec for 10 seconds5656
Sun BlastSummon a sun blast from the sky to the enemies on selected area.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds.(Level 60)6060
SoulburnCast a great fire spell at enemy to burn its soul from a long distance6868
Flame MeteorSummons flaming meteors to attack enemies within selected area7070

Mage Ice Skillleri
Ice alanında bulunan skiller ve özellikleri​

Skill ResmiSkill AdıSkill AçıklamaMana BedeliSkill PointSkill Level
Ice ShockBasic Glacial attack22
Chill OutChill the enemy's heart.It has a chance to slow down the enemy88
Ice BallCast an ice ball at enemy from a long distance1616
Glacial ShockCast a glacial shock at enemy.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds2020
Ice EnduranceIncrease Glacial Resistance by 452222
Ice SkinCast a spell that creates a glacial skin on your body and increases physical defense by 100 for 5 minutes2424
Ice BoltCast an ice bolt at enemy from a long distance2828
Glacial BlowCast a glacial spell to inflict ice damage on selected area3232
Glacial WaveLaunch a glacial wave at your enemy from a long distance3636
Ice SpikeCast an ice spike that freezes and slows down the enemy3838
Freezing BreathHit with the staff to deal ice damage to the enemy from a short distance4040
Frozen KissCast a quick glacial spell at enemy from a short distance4242
FrozenCast a greater glacial spell to attack all of your enemies around you.It slows down the enemies4444
Ice ImmunityIncrease Glacial Resistance by 754646
Ice CrushCrush enemy with glacial spell5050
Frost WaveCast a frost wave at enemy from a long distance5454
Ice SurgeCast a Glacial Spell at enemy.DoT every 2 sec for 20 seconds5656
Ice WallCast a spell that creates a glacial skin on your body and increases physical defense by 200 for 5 minutes6060
Ice BlastCast an Ice Blast to attack enemies in selected area and slows them down6060
Freezing MeteorSummon freezing meteor to strike enemy6868
Ice MeteorsSummon ice meteors to strike enemies in selected area7070

Mage Lightning Skillleri
Lightning alanında bulunan skiller ve özellikleri​

Skill ResmiSkill AdıSkill AçıklamaMana BedeliSkill PointSkill Level
Thunder ShockPerform a quick lightning spell to shock the enemy22
Seal Of MagicSeal the target to neutralize the magic power of your apponent88
Static SpearLaunch a lightning spell to attack enemy from long distance.It has a chance to neutralize the magic power of your opponent1616
Thunder CageCreates a static cage around the target to decrease its lightning resisance by 10%2020
Lightning EnduranceIncrease lightning resistance by 452222
Thunder BlowLaunch a thunder blow to attack your opponent from long distance2828
Exploding BoltLaunch an exploding bolt to inflict damage to the enemy from long distance3232
Thunder WaveLaunch a thunder wave to attack your enemy from long distance3636
Seal Of LightningSeal the target with an electrical shock for a period of time .It has a chance to neutralize the magic power of your opponent3838
Shocking BreathHit with the staff to deal lightning damage to the enemy from a short distance.Damages over time4040
Thunder StrikeCast a quick lightning spell at enemy from a short distance4242
Static CloudCast a static cloud in selected area to strike several lightning4444
Lightning ImmunityIncrease lightning resistance by 754646
Thunder CrushLaunch a lightning spell to the enemy from long distance5050
Vampiric ShockCast a vampiric lightning to the enemy and drain HP for your party members5252
Static BlastCast a greater lightning spell at enemy from a short distance5454
Lightning SurgeAttack enemy with strong elecrtic shock.Damages over time5656
Shocking FootstepsLeaves shocking trap balls behindi,if an enemy touches them gets stunned for 3 sec. CD:906060
StormbringerUse your magical powers to bring storm over enemies in selected area6262
BlindingInflict lightning damage to the enemies in a selected area.This spell makes the enemies blind for 2 sec and interrupt their skills6464
ThunderstruckCast a lightning meteor to inflict damage to the enemy6868
Lightning MeteorCast thunder from the sky to attack enemies in selected area7070

Mage Mastery Skillleri
Mastery alanında bulunan skiller ve özellikleri​

Skill ResmiSkill AdıSkill AçıklamaSkill ManaSkill PointSkill Level
Meditation(Passive) Increases your physical defense by 20% when your HP is 30% or below00
Magic BoostIncreases magic attack power by 30% for a period of time22
Sacred Armor(Passive) Decreases the damage taken by 10%55
Kaleb's SilenceCurse the enemy to not let him to use any skill for 5 seconds77
Fresh MindEnables to use a skill twice1010